“The Contemporary Middle East: Some Questions, Some Answers” in The Contemporary Middle East: A Westview Reader, Third Edition, Westview Press, 2012.

“The Arab Dimension of Saddam Hussein’s Calculations: What We Have Learned from Iraqi Records” in Into the Desert: Reflections on the Gulf War, edited by Jeffrey Engel, Oxford University Press, USA, 2012.

"Understanding Attitudes on Middle East Peace" in International Relations, 9th edition, by Joshua Goldstein and Jon Pevehouse Longman, 2010.

Introduction to “A Five Year Review of Scholarship on Islam 2005-2009” (Carnegie Scholars Program) Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2010.

Iraq Uncensored, American Security Project, august 2009"Addressing the Arab-Israeli Conflict" co-authored with Steven Cook, in Restoring the Balance: A Middle East strategy for the Next President (Haas, Indyk, Biddle O'Hanlon, Pollack, Maloney, Takeyh, Riegel, Samore, cook, Telhami, Coleman, Coffman, Wittes, Byman, and Simon) Brookings Press, 2008.

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, American Leadership in Middle East, April 2008.

Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy For the Next President, Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations, December 2008.

"Media, Cultural Difference, and Attitudes Toward Conflict," in Media Between Citizens and Power, Tarranto Chimienti Editore, Edited by Andrei Grachey and Chiara Blengino, 2006.

"The Contemporary Middle East: Some Questions, Some Answers," The Contemporary Middle East, Westview Press, 2006.

"The Role of the Persian Gulf Region," The Contemporary Middle East, Westview Press, 2006.

"Fighting Bin Ladenism," Shibley Telhami and Jim Steinberg in The Road Ahead: Middle East Policy in the Bush Administration's Second Term, Brookings Institution Press, 2005.

“Beyond Resolution? The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict,” in Grasping the Nettle: Analyzing Cases of Intractability, United States Institute of Peace, 2005.

"Reaching the Public in the Middle East," in Engaging the Arab and Islamic Worlds through Public Diplomacy, edited by William Rugh, Public Diplomacy Council, December 2004.

 "Of Power and Compassion” in Special Issue: The Philosophical Challenge of September 11 (Metaphilosophy LLC and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004).

"An Essay on Neorealism and Foreign Policy," in Andrew K. Hanami, ed., Perspectives on Structural Realism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).

"The Road to Palestinian Sovereignty: Problematic Structure or Conventional Obstacles?" in Stephen Krasner, ed., Problematic Sovereignty, Columbia University Press, 2001.

"Lessons to be Learned," in Richard Parker, ed., The October War: A Retrospective, University Press of Florida, 2001.

"Saudi-US Relations," in Saudi Arabia: One Hundred Years Later, The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1999.

"Power and Legitimacy in Arab Alliances: The New Arabism," in Leonard Binder, editor, Ethnic Conflict and International Politics in the Middle EastUniversity Press of Florida, 1999.

"Sadat's Strategy and Legacy" in John B. Alterman, editor, Sadat and His Legacy, (Washington: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 1998).

The following four chapters (based on seminar lectures) were published in The United States and Canada: Political Systems, Policy-Making and the Middle East, (Jerusalem: The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, 1998):

  • " The U.S. Political System (I): Separation of Powers"
  • " The U.S. Political System (II): Interest Groups, Lobbies and Public Opinion"
  • "The U.S. Political System (III): Foreign Policy-Making - American Foreign Policy in the Middle East"
  • " The U.S. and Canadian Relations/Roles in the Contemporary Middle East: Weapons Proliferation, 'Terrorism', and the 'Rogue State' Phenomenon"

"Public Attitudes Toward Israel: A Study of the Attentive and Issue Publics," with Jon Krosnick, in Gabriel Sheffer, US-Israeli Relations at the Crossroads, (Frank Cass Publishers, 1997).

"Israeli Foreign Policy: A Realist Ideal Type or a Breed of its Own?" in Michael Barnett, ed., The Politics of Uniqueness: The Status of Israeli Case, SUNY Press, 1995.

"American Behavior in the Gulf War," in Jaclyn Ismael and Tariq Ismael, editors, The Gulf War and the New World Order: International Relations of the Middle East, University Press of Florida, 1994.

"Socio-Political Issues Facing a Two-State Solution," in Baruch Fischoff, Kenneth Kotovsky, Jacobo Bielak, and Hussain Tuma, eds, A Two State Solution in the Middle East: Prospect and Possibilities, (Carnegie Mellon University Press).

"The Gulf War and Israeli Foreign Policy," in Steven Spiegel, ed., The Arab Israeli Search for Peace (Lynne Rienner, 1992).

"The Palestinians and the End of the Cold War," in Steven Spiegel, ed.,Crisis Management in the Middle East, (Westview Press, 1992).

"Middle East Politics in the Post-Cold War Era," in Breslauer, Kreisler & Ward, eds.,Beyond the Cold War: Conflict and Cooperation in the Third World, (IIS, University of California at Berkeley, 1992).

Last modified
03/26/2021 - 2:23 pm