Letter from President Nixon to President Sadat
October 15, 1970
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
A letter from President Nixon at the very beginning of President Sadat’s assumption of office. President Nixon remarks on Nasser’s legacy and the opportunity for peace with Israel.
State Department Recommendation for a Congratulatory Message for President Sadat
October 19, 1970
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
Despite the absence of formal diplomatic ties, the State Department recommends a congratulatory message to President Sadat on his assumption of the Presidency (text of message is included).
Letter from President Sadat to President Nixon
November 23, 1970
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat writes on the legacy of President Gamal Abdel Nasser and hopes for a better relationship with the US.
Aide Memoire from Egypt to the Secretary-General of the UN
February 15, 1971
This memorandum outlines what Egypt is willing to commit to as well as its expectations of Israel.
Letter from President Nixon regarding his foreign policy report to Congress
March 3, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon highlights sections of his 1971 foreign policy report to President Sadat.
Message from President Nixon to President Sadat regarding prospects for peace
April 9, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
Telegram of a personal message to President Sadat pushing for a sustainable peace settlement, as well as patience and commitment to the peace process.
Soviet-Egyptian Friendship Treaty
May 27, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
A joint communiqué signed by President Sadat outlining the friendship between the USSR and the United Arab Republic. Historically significant as the first friendship treaty signed by the USSR with a non-contiguous and non-communist nation.
Condolences for President Sadat on the death of his father
July 3, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon expresses sorrow upon the death of President Sadat’s father.
Letter from President Nixon on the 19th anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution
July 28, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon congratulates President Sadat on the anniversary of the revolution, marking a resumption of such congratulations for the first time since 1967.
Bairam Greetings for President Sadat
November 17, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon wishes President Sadat and the Egyptian people happiness during Bairam.
Christmas Note from President Sadat
December 23, 1971
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat wishes President Nixon and the American people a Happy Christmas.
Message from Secretary of State Rodgers to President Sadat
February 23, 1972
This oral message asks President Sadat to restart negotiation using American officials as go-betweens.
Letter from President Nixon on Eid Al-Adha
January 10, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon gives his best wishes to President Sadat on Eid Al-Adha.
Letter to President Sadat regarding the destruction of a Libyan airliner
February 21, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon expresses sorrow at the shooting down of a Libyan airliner by Israeli jets.
Letter of Thanks from President Sadat to President Nixon
March 9, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat thanks President Nixon for his condolences after the Israeli army accidentally shoots down a Libyan airliner.
Apollo Program Gifts
May 21, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon offers a moon rock and flag carried from the moon to President Sadat upon the completion of the Apollo program.
Bairam Greetings for President Sadat
October 27, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon sends greetings to President Sadat on the occasion of Bairam through the US embassy in Cairo.
Meeting Between Secretary Henry Kissinger and Egyptian Ambassador Ashraf Ghorbal, Memorandum of Conversation: 7 December 1973, Arab- Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
Ambassador Ghorbal seeks reassurance of the United States’ commitment to Egypt and asks that the Secretary recognize the sacrifices President Sadat has made to secure peace between Egypt and Israel.
Christmas Note from President Sadat
December 24, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat wishes President Nixon and the American people a Happy Christmas.
Eid Al-Adha note from President Nixon
December 26, 1973
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon sends best wishes to President Sadat and the Egyptian people on Eid Al-Adha.
President Nixon to President Sadat, “Letter from President Nixon to President Sadat,” Telegram: State 251343, 27 December 1973, Arab-Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
President Richard Nixon sends a letter to President Anwar Sadat following Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s visit to the Middle East. In the letter, President Nixon speaks of the Geneva Conference, Disengagement Agreement and US-Egyptian Relations.
Secretary Kissinger to President Sadat, “Message from Secretary Kissinger to President Sadat Re: Syrian Intentions,” Telegram: State 252353, 29 December 1973, Arab-Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger writes to President Anwar Sadat asking for details into reports of possible Syrian military action.
Foreign Minister Fahmi to Secretary Kissinger, “Letter to the Secretary from Foreign Minister Fahmi,” Telegram: Cairo 4252, 30 December 1973, Arab-Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
In a letter to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Foreign Minister Fahmi writes a reply to President Nixon’s letter of December 28 to President Sadat, reinforcing President Sadat’s commitment to peace in the Middle East and concern of Israeli commitment.
President Sadat to Secretary Kissinger, “President Sadat’s Reply to Secretary Kissinger’s Letter of December 22,” Telegram: Cairo 0024, 02 January 1974, Arab-Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
In reply to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s letter questioning reports of possible Syrian military action, President Anwar Sadat assures the Secretary that the reports are false and that any concern should be directed at the Israeli government’s intentions.
Foreign Minister Fahmi to Secretary Kissinger, “Foreign Minister Fahmi’s Reply to Secretary Kissinger’s Letter of December 28 to President Sadat,” Telegram: Cairo 0023, 02 January 1974, Arab-Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi writes a letter to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in response to a letter from Secretary Kissinger to President Sadat in which Fahmi discusses concerns over perceived threats by the US to withdraw their efforts in Middle East peace negotiations.
Foreign Minister Fahmi to Secretary Kissinger, “Letter from Foreign Minister Fahmi to Secretary Kissinger Concerning Blocking of Supply Convoys,” Telegram: Cairo 0034, 03 January 1974, Arab-Israeli Conflict Collection, box 5, The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C.
Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi writes a letter to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in which he describes his concern over the Israeli government’s commitment to the six-point agreement.
Letter of Thanks from President Sadat to President Nixon
January 8, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat thanks President Nixon for his warm remarks on the occasion of Eid Al Adha.
Secretary Kissinger's Letter to President Sadat
January 25, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
Secretary Kissinger congratulates President Sadat on the successful conclusion of a
cease-fire with Israel.
Exchange of remarks between President Richard Nixon and Egyptian Ambassador Ashraf Ghorbal
April 19, 1974
Courtesy of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library.
President Richard Nixon welcomes Ambassador Ghorbal, as the two countries restore diplomatic ties.
Ambassador Ghorbal Presents his Credentials on Behalf of the People of Egypt
April 19, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park
A transcript of the presentation of diplomatic credentials to President Nixon, marking the restoration of diplomatic ties between Egypt and the US after a seven year cessation.
Letter of Regard from President Nixon
May 13, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
Actress Pearl Bailey delivered this note to President Sadat during her visit to Egypt.
Letter of Appreciation from Secretary Kissinger
June 25, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
Secretary Kissinger thanks President Sadat for a warm reception in Egypt and
commissioned portraits of the Secretary and his wife.
Letter from President Nixon to President Sadat
June 25, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon reflects on his visit to the Middle East and the prospects for peace.
Wedding Congratulations
July 6, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon congratulates President and Mrs. Sadat on the wedding of their daughter Nuha.
Thank You note from President Nixon
July 17, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon thanks President Sadat for a warm reception during the former’s trip to the Middle East.
Message from President Sadat to President Ford
August 12, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat writes a letter of congratulations to President Ford as he assumes his role
as President of the United States. President Ford responds, conveying his appreciation.
Letter to Former President Nixon from President Sadat
August 15, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Sadat's letter of thanks to President Nixon for his friendship, and President
Nixon's reply.
Message Regarding the Health of First Lady Betty Ford
October 20, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
Mrs. Jehan Sadat expresses her concern about First Lady Ford's upcoming surgery.
In turn, President Ford and the First Lady convey their feelings of gratitude.
Letter of Thanks from Secretary Kissinger
November 9, 1974
Courtesy of the National Archives Textual Division at College Park.
Secretary Kissinger thanks President Sadat for a pleasant visit to Cairo.
Telephone Conversation Between President Ford and President Sadat
September 1, 1975
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park
A conversation on peace between Israel and Egypt. A poor telephone connection hampers much of the conversation.
Letter to President Sadat from President Nixon
Date Unknown
Courtesy of the National Archives at College Park.
President Nixon congratulates and welcomes President Sadat to the Egyptian Presidency.
Camp David Accords
Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
February 14, 1977; Courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
In his first months in office, President Carter sends a letter to President Sadat expressing his admiration for the Egyptian leader and communicating his desire to meet with him at the earliest possible opportunity.
Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
October 21, 1977; Courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
President Carter expresses his appreciation for President Sadat’s support, and implores him to publicly endorse the United States’ position on the path to peace between Israel and Egypt.
Prime Minister Begin's Invitation to President Sadat to Visit Jerusalem
November 15, 1977
This historic invitation laid the groundwork for the accords at Camp David. AADQ
Letter from President Jimmy Carter to President Anwar Sadat
April 3, 1978; Courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
President Carter praises President Sadat’s courage and leadership for visiting the Israeli Knesset, and proposes meeting with him and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at Camp David.
Letter from President Anwar Sadat to President Jimmy Carter
April 24, 1978; Courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
President Sadat congratulates President Carter on negotiating the Panama Canal treaty. President Sadat also urges President Carter to maintain his balanced stance toward the Egyptian-Israeli peace process and recommends that Carter include as many Arab nations as possible in the negotiations.
Exchange of letters between President Sadat, President Carter and Prime Minister Begin September 17 – 22, 1978: Courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
In a series of letters, President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin reaffirm their positions regarding specific aspects of the peace negotiations.